Modeling the Budding Yeast Cell Cycle

Multicopy GAL-CLB2

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Change of parameters: ksb2'=0.8, MDT=150.
Arrest: Telophase arrest, and unbudded.


Surana, U., Amon, A., Dowzer, C., McGrew, J., Byers, B. and Nasmyth, K. (1993). Destruction of the CDC28/CLB mitotic kinase is not required for the metaphase to anaphase transition in budding yeast. EMBO J. 12:1969-1978.
[Abstract] [Article]
Experimental results: Fig. 4, diploid cells containing 8 copies of GAL-CLB2 arrest in telophase within an unbuded cell.
Comments: Clb2 overproduction hinders not only exit from mitosis, but also bud formation, because SBF and MBF are turned off. In simulation, the mutant arrests as unbudded cell in telophase after 6X GAL.